xDSL Platform Maintenance from 2022-05-18 23:00 BST to 2022-05-19 18:00 BST
Scheduled maintenance
Network Core
Nationwide FTTx
2022-05-18 23:00 BST
· 19 hours
May 17, 2022 · 12:03 BST
The wholesale supplier we use for off-net xDSL access (Zen) will be performing maintenance on their authentication platform which will impact all of our off-net xDSL customers. Your sessions may drop several times over the course of this maintenance window, however each time they drop they should come back a minute or so later. If at the end of this window you find you have no service please turn your router off and on again, however this shouldn’t happen. If you are still having issues after that please get in contact with us on 0333 300 1310.
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